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An in-depth guide on Angular Dependency Providers

iFour Team -July 29, 2021

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An in-depth guide on Angular Dependency Providers

What is Angular?

Angular is a frontend development framework used for building single-page client applications using HTML and Typescript. It is written in Typescript.

What is dependency in Angular? 

Dependencies are one type of object or service which is used by a class to perform its function. Dependency injection (DI) is a design pattern in which a class requests dependencies from external sources rather than creating them. Flexibility and modularity can be increased if we use dependency injection in our angular application.

What is the Angular provider?

An angular provider is one type of object declared in Angular so, we can inject it within the constructor of our components, directives, and also in angular instantiated classes. Also, we can say that the Angular Provider is an instruction that expresses how an object for a certain token is created.

Angular service is a particular type of provider that is declared with its class name. The Angular Provider is an array of providers. We can uniquely identify each provider using a token in the Providers Array. For locating the provider, we use tokens. There are three types of the token. Type Token, string token, and Injection Token. We have four ways to create dependency: which are Class Provider (useClass), Value Provider (useValue ), Factory Provider ( useFactory ), and Aliased Class Provider ( useExisting).

Configuring the Angular Provider

We need to register dependency in the Providers metadata to Provide an instance of the dependency. See the following syntax it has two properties.

providers:[{provide:EmployeeService, useClass: EmployeeService}]


The first property is Provide which holds the Token. The Injector uses the token to locate the provider in the Providers array. The Token can be a type, a string, or an instance of InjectionToken.


The second property is the Provider definition object. Provider tells how to create the instance of the dependency to the angular. We have four different ways in angular for creating the instance of the dependency.

  • we can create a dependency from the existing service class using (useClass).
  • We can inject a value, array, or object using (useValue).
  • We can use a factory function, which returns the instance of service class or value using (useFactory).
  • We can return the instance of an already existing token using (useExisting).

Dependency Injection Token

The Injector keep an internal collection of token-provider in the Providers array. The token works as a key to that collection. For locating provider Injector use that Token (key).

The Dependency Injection Token are type, a string or an instance of InjectionToken.

Type Token

In this, we can inject type as the token.

For Example, we would like to inject the instance of the EmployeeService, we will use the EmployeeService as the token as shown below

providers :[{ provide: EmployeeService, useClass: EmployeeService }]

The EmployeeService is then injected into the component file by using the following code.


class ProductComponent {
  constructor(private EmployeeService : EmployeeService ) {}


String token

We can use a string to register the dependency. This is useful when the dependency is a value or object, which is not represented by a class.



{provide:'EMPLOYEE_SERVICE', useClass: EmployeeService }, 
{provide:'USE_FAKE', useValue: true },   
{provide:'APIURL', useValue: 'http://SomeEndPoint.com/api' },  


We can then use the Inject dependency using the @Inject method.


class ProductComponent {
   constructor(@Inject('EmployeeService') private empService:EmployeeService,
@Inject('APIURL') private apiURL:string ) { 


Injection Token

We have face problem with string tokens like if more than one developer can use same string token in some part of an application.

To overcome this problem we can use the Angular provides InjectionToken class so we ensure that the Unique tokens are created. The Injection Token is created when a new instance of the InjectionToken class is created.


export const API_URL= new InjectionToken('');


Register the token in the providers array.


providers: [ 
    { provide: API_URL, useValue: 'http://SomeEndPoint.com/api' }


It is then injected using the @Inject in the constructor of the service/component.


constructor(@Inject(API_URL) private apiURL: string) { 


Types of Provider

The Angular Dependency Injection provides various types of providers.

  • Class Provider : useClass.
  • Value Provider: useValues.
  • Factory Provider: useFactory.
  • Aliased Class Provider: useExisting.

Class Provider: useClass

When we want to provide an instance of the provided class then we use useClass.

The useClass looks for us to provide a type. So the Injector creates a new instance from the type and injects it.

UseClass Example

providers :[{ provide: EmployeeService, useClass: EmployeeService }]

In the above, example EmployeeService is the Token (or key) and it maps to the EmployeeService Class. Class name and token name both match in this case.

Switching Dependencies

You can provide a Fake class for Testing purposes as shown following example.

providers :[{ provide: EmployeeService, useClass: fakeEmployeeService }]

The above example shows how to switch dependencies.

Value Provider: useValue

When you want to provide a simple value then use the Value Provider useValue,.

The Angular will injects as it is which is provided in the useValue.

UseValue Example

In below example, we pass a boolean value using token USE_FAKE.


providers :[ {provide:'USE_FAKE', useValue: true}]


We can inject it into the AppComponent using the @Inject


export class AppComponent {
    @Inject('USE_FAKE') public useFake: string
  ) {}


We can pass an object. We can use Object.freeze to freeze the value of the configuration, so others cannot change it.


const APP_CONFIG =  Object.freeze({
  serviceURL: 'www.employeeUrl.comapi',
  IsDevleomentMode: true


Register it.


  providers: [
    { provide: 'APP_CONFIG', useValue: APP_CONFIG }


Inject it as shown below


export class AppComponent {  
    @Inject('APP_CONFIG') public appConfig: any
  ) {}


You can also provide a function


 providers: [
      provide: 'FUNC',
      useValue: () => {
        return 'hello';


The Injector injects the function as it is. We need to invoke the function empFunc() to get a value from it.


export class AppComponent {
    @Inject('FUNC') public empFunc: any
  ) {


Factory Provider: useFactory

The Factory Provider useFactory expects a function. It injects the returned value and invokes the function. We can also add optional using deps array to the factory function.

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UseFactory example

Consider the use case where we want to inject either EmployeeService or FakeEmployeeService based on the value for USE_FAKE. Also, one of the services (EmployeeService ) requires another service (LoggerService). Here, we need to inject USE_FAKE and LoggerService into our factory function.


  providers: [
    { provide: LoggerService, useClass: LoggerService },
    { provide: 'USE_FAKE', useValue: true },
      provide: EmployeeService,
      useFactory: (USE_FAKE, LoggerService) =>
        USE_FAKE ? new FakeEmployeeService() : new EmployeeService(LoggerService),
      deps: ['USE_FAKE', LoggerService]


We pass all the dependencies as the argument to the factory function. The injector uses the deps array as a third argument to resolve the dependencies and inject them.

useFactory: (USE_FAKE, LoggerService)

inside the factory function, we either return FakeEmployeeService or EmployeeService depending on the value of USE_FAKE

USE_FAKE ? new FakeEmployeeService() : new EmployeeService(LoggerService)

In the last option, we tell the Injector how to inject the dependencies of the Factory function itself.


deps: ['USE_FAKE', LoggerService]


Aliased Provider: useExisting

We can use Aliased Provider useExisting when we want to use the new provider in place of the old Provider.

UseExisting Example


providers: [
    { provide: EmployeeService, useExisting: NewEmployeeService },
    { provide: NewEmployeeService, useClass: NewEmployeeService },


In the above example, we map the EmployeeService to the NewEmployeeService token using useExisting Provider. This will return the NewEmployeeService whenever we use the EmployeeService .

The below example shows useExisting with string tokens.


providers: [
    { provide: EmployeeService, useExisting: 'EMPLOYEE_SERVICE' },
    { provide: 'EMPLOYEE_SERVICE', useClass: NewEmployeeService },



In this blog, we learned what is angular dependency provider. Types of dependency injector token and types of provider. Also, see how to register dependencies using the Angular Providers.

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